Monday 6 June 2022

What can change your 1 hour of a year

 Sound intriguing!

What can change 1 hour of your
life throughout the year.?

1. You may be a programmer in a year.

2. You may be a master in your field.

3. You may be a writer.

4. You may be what you want to be.

5. Your output depends on your input.

But how?

Let me start..... 

What's the value of your time, no one can decide what the value of your time except you is. Yes, only you are who can decide the value of your time it may be zero dollar price or billion dollars, in fact it's not all about money it's about your worth for you.

I want to discuss this in broader detail but, I'll not take your time.

I'll take an example if you want to learn any programming language just give only one hour but constantly I'm sure you'll have an extra skill after a year which definitely pay in return. Now, it's up to you what you want to add to your life. If you want to be a good read just read 1 hour a day, you can read at least  30 pages in an hour which accumulates up to 30×365=10,950 which makes an average of 30+ books. These 30 books can give you hundreds of new directions and a new way of thinking and this is the best way to change your life. 

Even if you don't know the basics of a programming language like python or any other, you can learn a minimum of 15 statements or codes of language in 1 hour, 15×365=5,475 statements or codes. And this is a minimum estimate, this minimum can prepare you as an intermediate programmer. What can do in 1 hour of social media? And this is the magic power of only 1 hour just think about more than this and then think about what you cannot be in your life. Why do you always blame yourself that you don't have the skills you don't have the job. Skill is nothing but the value of time, we don't know the value of our time therefore we always spend several hours just social browsing which is not only useless but also harmful.

Just think it's worth only 1 hour of a year. You can learn a new language either by machine or High-level language only for 1 hour. This is how you may Learn a lot of skills wherever you're interested in what you want to learn and what you want to be in your life. I'm going to end my topic by adding this  "Either stop to desire or start to work smartly".

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